What Goes On in the ADHD Brain?

This was a question I’ve asked myself many times.  My wife and both of my kids have ADHD, but I do not.  This was problematic, because… I didn’t understand why I had to ask my son repeatedly to perform simple tasks like put his toys away, brush his teeth, or put his clothes on.  At…

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The Simplest Approach to Learning Study Skills

In medicine, doctors will prescribe the minimum effective dose. Meaning, you want to cure the illness but minimize the side effects. Learning is no different. When learning new materials, we want to use the strategies that are most effective, with the least amount of side effects, (time, energy, stress/anxiety). Graphic organizers can be good tools…

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What Students and Employers Both Need

Kevin and I are both college seniors at Michigan State University. Every year there are two giant career fairs, with over 200 companies. The crazy part is, every year the companies are the same. Year after year, big companies such as Ford, Chrysler, BP, and PepsiCo come to MSU—and every other university— hiring hundreds of…

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