Why SOAR Works?

Why Do These Skills Work?

Quite simply, SOAR® Study Skills consistently delivers effective results for students, because the strategies are aligned to the human brain, built on 80/20 principles and are deliberately designed to be student-friendly.

Strategies Aligned to the Brain

Through her two decades of work with students and extensive research Susan developed a revolutionary model… The Learning Circuit Model™, for understanding how to develop appropriate organizing and learning strategies:

Teach the Skills That Make an “80%” Impact!

The 80/20 Principle is a law of the universe; it states that 80% of impact will come from only 20% of your efforts. “Soft skills” and “study skills” are the CORE 20% of skills that are the foundation of life-long learning success.

SOAR® has always been focused on delivering the most relevant skills for success in the classroom, and in life. So, it’s no coincidence that the skills covered in SOAR® match the top needs of employers, as noted in dozens of employer surveys. It’s also no surprise that SOAR® covers 100% of the Common Core Anchor Standards for college and career readiness.

Three Criteria for Being Student-Friendly

The author and developer of SOAR®, Susan Kruger, M.Ed., is a former struggling student. So, she is extremely sensitive about providing materials that will work for students. Especially for struggling students! All strategies presented in SOAR® must pass her three filters for being “student-friendly”…

  1. Strategies must be effective. Obviously! Susan didn’t go into this mission to waste students’ time or generate more frustration. Strategies must work. Period.
  2. Strategies must be efficient. It is natural, human-nature is to seek the shortest path to a solution. This is especially true for students who are stressed or frustrated! (Which is nearly all students!) With this in mind, we are very strict about seeking the most efficient paths for organizing, learning, and communicating.
  3. Strategies must apply across content areas. A quick internet search on “study skills” or “soft skills” will yield over 60 million results! Yet, everything you’ll find is a hodge-podge of complication that only confuses students. We stick to strategies that are universal -across all subject areas– so students can be very clear and take their own initiative for success with learning!

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It…

See our proven results, click here.

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