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Six Steps to
Conquer the Chaos

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Curriculum from America’s #1 Learning Expert…

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What to Expect from SOAR®

SOAR Binder Graph

The SOAR® Binder requires 77% fewer steps, making it 440% more efficient than traditional paper-organization systems!

SOAR Planner Graph

The SOAR® Planner requires 72% fewer steps, making it 360% more efficient than traditional planner systems!

The SOAR Binder

The SOAR® strategy for reading textbooks cuts reading time by 50%, while comprehension more than doubles!

The SOAR® Curriculum

The most critical learning, organizing, and communication skills needed for school. Learn more here.

Who’s Using SOAR®?
SOAR® Guarantee
Feel More In Control

I feel much more in control when I study now because I know exactly what to do. I don't waste my time staring at my textbook, I take better notes in class, and I am better prepared for each class so when I study for a test, it all comes together.

Katlyn R.
11th Grade
Now Getting As and Bs

I was getting Cs and Ds. Now I am getting As and Bs! I learned how to be organized and how to has made such a difference!

Katie H.
11th Grade
Became an A Student

Your program helped me change into an "A" average student in high school after struggling with "C's" and "D's".

Chelsea S.
12th Grade
Easier to Stay Organized

I can't believe how much easier it is for me to keep my papers organized. Since I started using the Binder, I have not lost one assignment! My parents are so excited and I feel so much better about school. Thank you!

Michael Z.
9th Grade
Easy to Study For Tests

I am reading and reviewing chapters in my books now. It is really easy and really helps me study for tests.

Keith S.
6th Grade
Book Report Done Early

For this spring's book report I set a goal to get it done on time and not have to rush. I got it done two weeks early!

Liam S.
6th Grade
Everything Grouped in Categories

I liked how everything was grouped in categories and everything kind of set up the next step of SOAR.

Stephanie C.
11th Grade
SOAR Has Helped So Much

SOAR has definitely helped me so much. My teacher also would like me to be a Teacher's Assistant when I'm a senior. I hope others learn as much as I did from SOAR.

Ginny R.
11th Grade
Life Is Easier

Life is so much easier!

Holly Z.
9th Grade
Why Didn't Someone Tell Me?

Why didn't someone tell me about this before?

Stephen G.
8th Grade
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