
Welcome to the SOAR® Learning Affiliate Page!

Thanks for your enthusiasm for SOAR® Study Skills. I’m thrilled that you are interested in becoming one of our affiliates! In all of our partnerships, including affiliates, we strongly promote a win-win relationship for both parties.

About Our Affiliate Program

We offer a 15% commission to all registered and approved affiliates on all of our products, programs, and trainings. We have dozens of articles and free resources available for opt-ins and follow-up sequences.

Sign up for the affiliate program by clicking Affiliate Sign-up.

Why the Affiliate Program?

Our products reach a wide range of people with a vested interested in education. We provide a variety of resources for parents and educators of elementary, middle school, high school, and college.

Study skills are essential to ensure that students can be competitive in a global economy. They are important for students who are struggling as well as students striving for excellence. Every parent and educational community can benefit from the life-long skills presented in SOAR® resources.

SOAR® is distinguished from other programs based on our “student-friendly” criteria:

  1. Time-Efficient. All strategies in SOAR® are simple and time-efficient. We understand that students, like adults, prefer the path of least resistance. Therefore, we have crafted strategies with as few steps and procedures as possible.
  2. Effective. Strategies must work. Plain and simple.
  3. Apply Across all Content Areas. This prevents confusion from students. Other study skills programs (including the “free resources” available online), teach study skills that are very narrowly focused and only apply to specific subjects and learning tasks. The only way students can know what “study skill” to use in these situations is to have a solid understanding of the content. If they had a solid understanding of the content, well…they wouldn’t need to use the study skill.

We support all customers and clients with a content-rich website, automated follow-up support to facilitate implementation, and live phone and email support to anyone using our programs. We also assume all of the risk by providing a 100% guarantee.

Expectations of Our Affiliates

As you may know, SOAR® was developed out of my personal struggles in school. It is a program focused on excellence and effectiveness through simplicity and service!

As a company, our goal is to help students be more successful and confident by making the lives of their parents and teachers easier. As an affiliate promoting our products, this is an important distinction for you to know; we are looking for affiliates who understand that SOAR® is committed to a high standard of customer service at every level.

We reserve the right to approve all affiliates to ensure there are no conflicts of interest or other situations that may prevent a “win-win” relationship.

A Few Other Items We Must Address…

The details of this agreement may be revised at the discretion of myself (Susan Kruger Winter, M.Ed.), Brian Winter, M.Ed., or SOAR® Learning, Inc.

Promoting via Email: Use of our affiliate program in conjunction with any form of spam, rented email lists or anything other than your own opt-in customers who have an established relationship with you, is absolutely, strictly forbidden.

Promoting via eBay: Use of our affiliate program or resale of our materials in conjunction with eBay or any other auction sites is also strictly forbidden.

Such use – either via auction sites or abuse or misuse of e-mail – will result in termination of your account and forfeiture of any commissions.

Also, we cannot offer commissions on products you buy through your own affiliate link. That wouldn’t be fair to the person who referred you.

If this is good with you, we welcome you to click Affiliate Sign-up!

We already know you are enthusiastic about our products—we just want you to know that we are enthusiastic about you, our affiliate, as well! We look forward to a long and successful relationship with you!


Susan Kruger, M.Ed.
Author of SOAR® Study Skills
Founder of SOAR® Learning, Inc.



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