Virtual Teaching + Learning: How to Navigate the Transition

Spring, 2020 will go down as the largest seismic wave to ever touch education…

We know you are exhausted! But, look at what you did for your students! Look at how you “kept the learning going.” Look at all the “intangible” lessons you made possible for them, too...

We know it did not feel graceful. By default, it was messy. But, through all the muck, you kept the ball rolling! It was all the chaos that made your efforts so heroic!

Yet, you don’t want to ever do that again! We understand; we had just started a secondary school with virtual curriculum in August 2019; it was the STEEPEST learning curve of our lives! (And we had 18 months to plan for it!)

Choose A Video:

Five-Part Prep
For Virtual Learning

How "Virtual"
is Different

How To Evaluate
Virtual Curriculum

How To Set Up
For Virtual Learning

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

To prepare a smoother start next fall, we had just begun the process of reflecting on all that we wish we had known… when the pandemic struck! So, we are now transitioning to compile all that information into tools and tutorials to share with you. We are working as fast as we can and will post updates frequently. Sign up for the “Roadmap: How to Navigate Virtual Learning” (upper, right corner) to get current and future tools…

We’re All in This, Together.

Next fall will NOT be “perfect.” (Was it, ever?) But, we will work together to ease the burden and restore JOY to learning for you and your students!

To our students’ success,

Susan + Brian

Get Our Free Guide

The Roadmap: How to Navigate Virtual Learning


* Why Virtual Is Different *
* How to Set Up for Virtual Learning *
* How to Evaluate Curriculum *
* Curriculum Evaluation Tool *
And More...

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