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Is Your Focus On Private Schools Response

June 22, 2015

Two weeks ago, we got an angry response from a subscriber after publishing our newsletter titled, “Is Your Focus on Private Schools?” In that newsletter, we described several pressures facing private school teachers. In the interest of providing clarity and remaining fully transparent, I’d like to address her concerns. Her letter is in italics. My…

What Goes On in the ADHD Brain?

March 19, 2015

This was a question I’ve asked myself many times.  My wife and both of my kids have ADHD, but I do not.  This was problematic, because… I didn’t understand why I had to ask my son repeatedly to perform simple tasks like put his toys away, brush his teeth, or put his clothes on.  At…

What Students and Employers Both Need

March 17, 2015

Kevin and I are both college seniors at Michigan State University. Every year there are two giant career fairs, with over 200 companies. The crazy part is, every year the companies are the same. Year after year, big companies such as Ford, Chrysler, BP, and PepsiCo come to MSU—and every other university— hiring hundreds of…

SOAR® Elite Consulting

March 6, 2015

Microsoft’s Partners-In-Learning University has called me a “Global Expert in Education Innovation.” I’m the author of the worldwide best-selling study skills book, SOAR®Study Skills. I am the developer of a revolutionary, brain-based learning model, The Brain Circuit™, which quickly analyzes any learning challenge and determines simple, prescriptive courses of action to build effective detours around…

Homework Help for Parents Audio Program & eBook

February 13, 2015

The amount of time it will take you to listen to this audio program will be regained this week, alone! How much time and energy would you save if you could eliminate homework battles? Homework Help is centered on ultra-simple and efficient ways busy families can tame homework battles.

Is Your Focus on Tutoring?

December 11, 2014

Quit Your Day Job Everyone wants a piece of you. You, Subject Matter Expert, you!  You, Experienced Educator, you! You have a fan base spanning into the hundreds. You’re widely sought after. In demand. You set the price. You, my friend, are a ROCKSTAR!  (clap, clap)   Wake up from your dream. You’ll get there…

Is Your Focus on Common Core?

December 8, 2014

The Common Crap… Er, Common Core, Is NOT the Enemy! If you’re like many teachers working with the Common Core, you’d probably like to refer to it as “The Common Crap.” As teachers, we’re already operating in a pressure cooker! We’re up against high expectations set by No Child Left Behind; now we’re being told exactly what to teach and…

Is Your Focus on “At-Risk” & Title 1 Students?

December 8, 2014

Of the 3.2 million teachers in the United States, only a select few are special enough to teach at-risk students. Are you one of them? If so, you prepare yourself daily to work with students who might: Be hungry. Have been beat-up on the way to/from school. Have been assaulted by a parent or another family member.…

Building a Positive Relationship with Your Teacher Could Impact Your Grade

September 19, 2014

As a teacher, I always set high expectations for my students. I was firm on deadlines and adhered to expectations I built from Day 1. Then, I met Jackie. Jackie was a smart, cheery, liked-by-everyone sort of student. Every day that she entered the classroom, she greeted me with a “Hi, Mr. Winter, how are…

The ‘How To’ Guide To Improving Education: From Anchor Standards To Grit To ADHD and Everything In Between

June 23, 2014

In the world of engineering, the best solution to a problem is the “simplest.” Why? Because the more complex a solution is, the more ways it can fail. The same is true in education. Time and time again, new (and often complicated) initiatives are introduced in education. But they fail because they are too complex…

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Conquer the Chaos

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