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SOAR® Study Skills Workbook

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What If Your Child Could Get Better Grades… in Less Time?
The reality is that schools are not teaching our students how to learn or organize. There are a simple set of skills –built on a model of extreme simplicity—that will transform school challenges into success!


for students in grades 6-12+

Homework & Schoolwork Are Exasperating
for You and Your Child!

  • “I forgot my books at school!”
  • “I did my homework, but now I can’t find it.”
  • “I forgot we had to do that for homework.”
  • “It takes me forever to do homework.”
  • “I do horrible on tests!”
  • “My back hurts from carrying so many folders and notebooks.”

What If Your Child Could Get Better Grades… in Less Time?

The reality is that schools are not teaching our students how to learn or organize. There are a simple set of skills –built on a model of extreme simplicity—that will transform school challenges into success.

When Students Don’t Have These Skills, They Struggle!

I was getting C’s and D’s. Now I am getting A’s and B’s! I learned how to be organized and how to study…it has made such a difference!”

-Katie H., 11th Grade Student

For some students, the struggle begins in elementary school. For others, the struggle doesn’t kick in until college; 50% of high school “honor” students struggle to pass classes in college.

Employers are desperate for these skills. In the workplace, they are called “soft skills.” In education, we know them as “study skills.” Dozens of employer surveys consistently show that these skills are seriously IN DEMAND! The more information and technology changes, the more these skills are needed.

These life-long skills not only serve students in the workplace, they dramatically improve performance in school, too…

  • Study skills increase graduation rates by 7x! A study published by Ohio State University confirmed that study skills make a big difference in school; study skills increased graduation rates by 600%!
  • SOAR® Study Skills raises GPAs by ONE FULL POINT! A school in Utah found that the average GPA of their entire student body rose by one full point after adding SOAR® to their curriculum.

“I wish these books were available when I was a sixth grader! I think they are great.”

-Ryan D., Middle School Teacher

“This Sounds Like a Lot of Work!”

In reality, these strategies are very simple and empowering.

However, like most of us parents, you probably have a child that doesn’t want to listen or take “homework advice” from you. If that’s the case, take a look at our School Success Kit or ADHD School Success Kit with supplies and videos that take all of the pressure off of you.

There’s a “New” Way to Approach Learning & Organizing!

School, homework, and learning should not be an exercise in misery! The problem is that students are never taught how to apply strategy to schoolwork. Yet, students know how to use strategies to play sports, video games, manipulate their parents and teachers…

Students love “strategy!” At SOAR®, we have compiled simple strategies, compatible with how the brain works.

Verified to Be “Student-Friendly”

All of our strategies are filtered through our three criteria for being “student-friendly”:

First, strategies must be effective. Obviously!

Second, strategies must be efficient. Let’s face it, students are human and human-beings have a natural aversion to things that are complicated and time-consuming.

Finally, strategies must apply across content areas to avoid confusion! There are many study skills that are useful techniques, but we only selected or developed strategies that apply across content areas so that students will clearly understand the appropriate times/settings to use the strategies. This approach empowers students to confidently take more responsibility for their own work and develop a more strategic approach to all of their learning.

How Can One Book Work for Grades 6-12+?

Regardless if students are in 6th grade or seniors in college, the types of academic tasks they have to do are essentially the same. Therefore, strategies in this book are appropriate for students in:

  • upper elementary
  • middle school
  • high school
  • college

“I am reading and reviewing chapters in my books now. It is really easy and really helps me study for tests.”

-Kieth S., 6th Grade Student

Topics Covered

  • Time and task-management
  • Goal-setting
  • Paper organization
  • Homework/project planning
  • Reading skills
  • Organizing at home & school
  • Note-taking strategies
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Communication & affective skills
  • Writing strategies

“I liked how everything was grouped in categories and everything kind of set up the next step of SOAR®.”

-Stephanie C., 11th Grade Student

Special Features

  • Tips for students who live in two homes.
  • Guidelines for students with ADD/ADHD.
  • Guidelines to help parents and teachers use this book effectively with students

“We just used SOAR® for the first semester. The feedback received from this book has been awesome! Students absolutely loved it. The teachers loved the book and ‘did not want it to end.’ We think this book will help our students be more successful and has offered our students a foundation to goal setting and organizational skills that they will build on for the rest of their education. Thanks so much!”

-Elissa L., Middle School Counselor

Get started on the path to school success today … get your SOAR® Study Skills book now!  Add to Cart at the top of this page.

Satisfaction guaranteed! 100% money-back if you’re not happy.

for students in grades 6-12+

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The SOAR® Curriculum

The most critical learning, organizing, and communication skills needed for school. Learn more here.

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