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80/20 in Special Education: How Special Ed Can Create Big Gains With Minimal Effort!

June 10, 2017

Can You Relate…? You’re a special education teacher (or maybe you know one) sitting in a building-wide staff meeting.  In the meeting, the results of your state’s annual, standardized test scores were released.  The results are good, except for one segment of students that are not showing enough improvement and thus hurting the school’s overall…

Ideal Instructional Models: Successful Examples of Complete Human Education

June 5, 2017

Education Reform – Part II: Practical Implementations of Complete Human Education In previous articles, we focused on: the core problems of education in the United States, a simple model for effective learning, and how that model helps us resolve our top problems. We also explored how this model relates to special education. From this point…

Learning and Soft Skills Empower Special Education Students

June 5, 2017

Are we aiming to have our students “college ready” OR “career ready?” OR both? If both, do we get them “college ready” first, then “career ready?” These are many of the questions that educators seem to wrestle with on a regular basis as our country works to prepare future generations for workplace success. Let’s cut…

The Vital Role of the First Follower

May 31, 2017

We have found there is a common trend with our teachers… they feel stuck. Stuck within the constraints of what the education world expects from them, while trying to balance teaching their students what they need to know to be successful in the real world. Don’t you just want to start a movement for change? That…

Detroit: A Vision for the Worst-Performing School System in the World

May 29, 2017

Today is the beginning of the largest policy conference in the country, the Mackinac Policy Conference (MPC). Right now, Brian and I are on our way up to Michigan’s magnificent Mackinac Island to participate. The MPC gets it’s name from the conference location, but the focus is primarily on the city of Detroit. The #1 topic…

How to Transcend ALL Barriers to Education: Poverty, Learning Disabilities, Apathy, & More

April 21, 2017

In 1896, in the slums of Rome, a young woman was put in charge of a group of children labeled “impossible to educate.” As the first female physician in Italy, she had fought great resistance to get her own education; “no one wanted a female doctor.” Her assignment to care for these children was considered…

Video Series: The Brain Biology of Learning

April 12, 2017

Challenges with learning happen because we don’t understand how learning really works in the brain. Imagine a doctor prescribing medicine, without knowing what’s wrong. Or a mechanic fixing our car without knowing what’s broken. Likewise, we can’t effectively work around learning challenges until we understand what’s really going on. That’s why I created this simple video series,…

The Brain Biology of Learning:
Why the Success Pyramid Works

November 1, 2016

In the previous article, I introduced The Success Pyramid, a simple model showing the three elements of effective and efficient learning. These three levels have a direct link to brain biology. The brain is powered by electricity, just like any electrical appliance. It is made of billions of tiny wires (neurons) that send electrical impulses across various regions of the…

Report Cards: Dealing with Poor Grades

October 21, 2016

If you’re like the millions of parents who open report cards and sigh, this article is for you. Upon opening a report card, you experience a flood of emotions.  Almost like going through the 5 stages of grief: Denial:  “No, this can’t be right.  I made him sit at the kitchen table every night and…

Three Core Problems with
Education in the United States

October 1, 2016

As described in the Introduction to this series, our ignorance of human development is THE core problem with education in the United States. However, within this context, there are three specific areas in which to focus: 1—The Motivation Crisis. Our country suffers from a severe lack of motivation and engagement! Across every gender, racial, geographic,…

Six Steps to
Conquer the Chaos

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