SOAR: The Four Principles of Optimal Instruction

This article is from our series, Education Reform: A Simple Blueprint for Human-Friendly Education. For a directory of all articles in this series, click here. To get the full series in one downloadable PDF, sign-up for the free report in the black box on the right. 

Four Principles of Optimal InstructionConclusion to Our Series –
Education Reform: A Simple Blueprint for Human-Friendly Education

The purpose of this series has been to highlight and fix the core problem with education in the United States… our utter disregard of human development.

We heavily examined the brain biology of learning. We also examined the work of Dr. Montessori, which was based on her 50 years of scientific observation; her work has since been supported by decades of neurological research. Her methods are now backed by 100 years of success across all socio-economic and cultural boundaries. Finally, we evaluated several instructional models –including Dr. Montessori’s—that successfully implement Complete Human Education.

All of these recommendations can be summarized into four core principles of optimal instruction, which are outlined below.  In the next installment, I will provide a simple matrix summarizing how all of these recommendations can funnel into an ideal school system for students, ages 0-24. 

Four Principles of Optimal Instruction that Allow Students to SOAR…

    1. Are we providing Structure to ensure that education instruction correlates with human development…
      • Is our instructional approach aligned to the human brain? (As laid out in the Success Pyramid model?)
      • Are our expectations appropriate for the students’ physical and emotional development?
      • Are students provided with explicit instruction for specific skills and plenty of support to practice their implementation?
    2. Are we celebrating students’ Originality by providing choices and room for creativity to flourish?
    3. Are we building on natural Aptitudes by exploring Multiple Intelligences and SuperPowers? Do we always lead with strengths? “You can tear them down in an instant; building them up is a real investment!”
    4. Is everything we are teaching Relevant to their lives? Is it relevant to their future needs in the “real world?” To their interests and/or experiences? Learning only happens when students can connect new information to things, concepts, or ideas that they already understand.

All 12,000+ words in this series on education reform boil down to these four fundamental principles of optimal instruction.

What can you do to implement one of these principles in your district, school, classroom, and family as early as today?

Stay tuned… there is one final step in this report on education reform… to pull it ALL together into a simple summary of what an Ideal School System should include.

To our students’ success,

Susan Kruger Signature



Susan Kruger, M.Ed.

Education Reform: A Simple Blueprint for Human-Friendly Education

Education Reform - From the Series

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