Cue to Reading: How to Identify & Fix Any Reading Challenge…Quickly!
My latest eBook, “Cue to Reading: How to Identify & Fix Any Reading Challenge…Quickly!”, is available on Kindle for only $9.99. You can find the Cue to Reading here, or read on for more information about the book.
The Cue to Reading will:
- Give you the power to identify reading problems/disabilities.
- Teach you a deep understanding of the different reading problems/disabilities.
- Arm you with the proper tools and strategies to fix each individual problem/disability.
- Help guide you on your journey of what to do, and where to go next.
I suffered through school with my own disabilities. But nothing was harder than my 3-year, emotional roller-coaster, with my son Mark, and his reading disabilities in school. I wrote this book, with intentions to not just help change children’s lives, but also their parent’s lives. I’m a certified reading specialist with a “best-selling” education book, SOAR Study Skills. But, when I suspected my son had dyslexia, I found it impossible to get help!
Look no further. Join me, along with the hundreds of other parents, students, and teachers, on The Cue to Reading, path to success! No matter the stage in diagnoses… or if they haven’t even been diagnosed yet! The problem/disability can be fixed.
Just remember this: By learning the three simple cues to reading, you will have already solved 80% of the problem. The other 20% is just practicing the proper cueing strategy.
Know the Problem. Learn the Problem. Fix the Problem. Problem Solved.
In The Cue to Reading, I share the best practices on science-based strategies for conquering reading disabilities. I share them in the context of specific examples with my son and other students to best illustrate them and make them more personal.
The Cue to Reading is made up of 15 no fluff, straight to the point chapters. Those 15 chapters are then broken into 3 simple, easily digested sections. Visual aids, essential strategies, research, teaching, and life experience are what make up the backbone to this book. Just below are the 15 steps on the path to reading success!
The 15 essential steps to success in, The Cue to Reading:
- When a Parent Knows Something is Wrong
- The Three Cueing Systems of Reading
- Cueing into a Problem-The Most Important Cueing System in Reading
- When Mistakes are Golden
- Brain Biology of Learning Disabilities
- A Simple Learning Solution Hiding in Plain Sight
- Why Reading Level Is Overrated
- “He’s Just Not Tryin'”
- “I Hate Teaching Reading”: Journey of a Reading Teacher
- What to do & Where to go
- The “Power” Reading Strategy
- Strategies for the Context/Meaning Cueing System
- Strategies for the Syntax/Grammar Cueing System
- Strategies for the Visual/Decoding Cueing System
- Creating Effective Lessons for a LD/ADHD Student
What are the 3 Cueing Systems for reading, and why are they so important? Find the answer on pages 6 & 7!
What is “Power” Reading Strategy? The answer is waiting on page 26!
Now that I know reading disabilities… what do I do, where do I go? Check pages 39-41, and see what your next steps to reading success should be!
Find the Cue to Reading on Kindle for only $9.99 here.
-Susan Kruger
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