StudySkills Search


How to Solve Our National Motivation Crisis

February 20, 2022

The United States’ Motivation Crisis is so pervasive; we look right through it. A fish is the last one to know he swims in water. Likewise, the solution is so simple, you might miss its full power. How to Solve the Motivation Crisis We simply need to “change the conversation!” We need to stop focusing on deficiencies…

Student Motivation Is a National Crisis…
and NO ONE Is Talking About It!

February 13, 2022

Student motivation is a national crisis! Across every boundary: gender, racial, geographic, academic, and socioeconomic… students simply don’t care. Everyone knows our education system is in turmoil. It’s critically disconnected from the real-world. People attempt to improve education with STEM or STEAM programs. Or, they try to build “critical thinking skills.” But no one is talking about the…

How Students Should Set Goals

January 19, 2022

There are three steps to setting goals: deciding, believing, and focusing. Decide. Will you decide to sit down with your class and set goals together? Will you decide to get a pen and a piece of paper and dream? If you don’t decide to fit it in your schedule, think of the repercussions. Think of that…

Building “Critical Thinking” & “Problem-Solving” Skills… with Google

January 15, 2022

“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist; using technologies that don’t yet exist, to solve problems that we don’t know are problems yet!”  – Karl Fisch, educator “Critical thinking” and “problem-solving” skills are cited by employers as their “greatest need” in the workplace. But, national and state curriculum standards are loaded so…

How to Manage Your Time in Virtual (Self-Directed) Learning

January 9, 2022

 The landscape of virtual learning is radically different from in-person/seated instruction in a thousand ways, but nothing may be more significant than the expectations of students to manage their own time! With in-person/seated instruction, students had: A strict schedule, Lots of routines, and Lots of external cues, such as: bells, different classrooms, teachers, and…

THE Right Way to Teach with Student-Led Software

May 16, 2021

Teaching with student-led software raises many questions for teachers… Should I introduce the lesson before having the students jump into the software?  Or, should I let them explore the software, and then discuss the content with them? What if students want to progress farther ahead in the software on their own?  Should I let them?…

Free Curriculum Evaluation Tool

March 1, 2021

“Fall 2021” cannot come soon enough! On the other hand, it can wait… we all need a break from the past 12 months of physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion! As we all look forward to a fresh start, curriculum decisions for Fall 2021 are happening now, so I am writing to share my Curriculum Evaluation Chart; I…

How to Organize Your Digital Workspace

October 7, 2020

When Susan was working on our latest chapter, How to Organize Your Digital Workspace, living with her was like riding a roller coaster… One moment she’s had a breakthrough and really cruising! The next moment, she’s discovered a problem that negates all of her work. She’s back to ground zero.  The next moment she’s got…

The New Landscape of Time-Management in Virtual Learning

September 22, 2020

Exactly one year ago this month, we started an adventure that would become the STEEPEST learning curve of our lives… We launched a hybrid secondary school.  Prophetically, eight months before the world would be flipped upside down, we flipped ourselves upside down! In February, 2020, we finally paused for a moment to catch our breath…

A Salute on Teacher Appreciation Week 2020

May 5, 2020

It’s May, 2020. Teacher Appreciation Week is upon us… Where are the words?? During this global pandemic, you shifted on the turn-of-a-dime. There simply is not a way to properly express “appreciation” for what you’ve done for our students. My daughter’s teacher happened to made a social media post last night, expressing a sense of…

Six Steps to
Conquer the Chaos

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