“I’m Not Stupid… So, What Is My Problem?!” College Student Shares How He Turned Struggles into Straight A’s with Study Skills
Previously, I wrote about my 20 year-old cousin, Kevin. He moved in with us from North Carolina to do an internship with SOAR®. (See the story here.)
I made a prediction that within one year, Kevin would be earning straight-As in school. Turns out, I was wrong.
It only took three months! Today, Kevin shares his experience in college. He figured out he needed study skills just before we connected last Christmas.
He tells a compelling story of feeling lost…and how he found his path again.
– Susan
August 2011:
It’s finally here! After 12 years of schooling, good grades, and quite a few applications paired with essays… it’s time for me to go off to college! I got accepted to three schools, checked them all out, made my decision, and now my move-in day is just a week away! I finally get to have some freedom and the chance to meet some new people from around the state and east coast. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am to take my first steps into the, “real world” and live on my own.
Well, I found that college wasn’t all that people made it out to be. Instead, I found myself with a “no sleep” schedule, pulling an all-nighter at least once a week, hating all my classes, struggling in them all, and stressed that I can’t find any friends. The good grades always came to me so easily in high school I barely had to try. It had me thinking… “I got excited FOR THIS?!” I knew something had to change, so I grabbed a cup of joe and headed to the library for some brainstorming on what my problem was.
Okay, so it can’t be my effort. I study WAY more in college than I ever did in high school, but I STILL can’t get the grades that came so effortlessly before. Okay, well I know I am not dumb either, I got accepted to three schools… so what can my problem be?
I began to feel like someone punched me in the gut and knocked the wind out of me. I remember thinking to myself, “Geez, I’m going to struggle just for average grades for the next 3 years. This is going to be MISERY!” Then it finally hit me… ahh haa!
With no drive for a particular major, no sense of organization, time management, or school strategies, (writing papers, studying, test taking, note taking, etc.) of course I am going to be struggling. I had no study skills! How was I supposed to succeed without knowing how to learn or organize?! I felt like my high school and middle school forgot a HUGE part of my education.
How can schools underestimate the power of these essential study skills? These skills are what make people efficient, great at leading, good communicators, and highly organized. Plus, they lead to better grades! How did my school miss this memo?
If I had study skills before entering college, I would not have been pulling all-nighters and making average grades with so much effort. I’d be much more confident in school, and in myself.
So, after wasting both time and money, my next plan of action was to go to a community college. I needed to figure out what I wanted to do in life. Plus, I wanted to learn simple study skills, so I would be successful in school.
After my first semester of community college, I now know what I want to do and for the first time in my life.
Plus, I got straight A’s! I have never done that before! Ever since I picked up SOAR® Study Skills and learned the keys to success in school, I have been confident and happy! From struggling and frustrated to excited and confident… that was my transformation simply with study skills.
I was amazed that study skills could actually do something so profound for me. And, now I want everyone to feel the same way I do about school!
It doesn’t have to be a struggle. I PROMISE!
College can be both the most exciting and daunting time in a student’s life. From elementary through middle and high school you have your friends, family, and community there to support you through the hardships. But, in college you are on your own. It can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wrote this for everyone who is in my position, or a similar one. Don’t worry! It’s not the end of the world. Take a deep breath. Now you know what the problem is. And, it is time to fix it.
It is finally time to stop swimming upstream and make the change for YOU. Get your confidence, grades, and free time back once and for all!
– Kevin
P.S. It is crazy the difference study skills can make… not only in school, but also in work, and in life. Don’t let your students down! Bring SOAR® to your classroom here, or your family here.
– Susan Kruger Winter
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