Media Kit Photos

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These photos are ONLY to be used for articles/information related to SOAR® Study Skills or SOAR® Learning Inc. and not for any other purpose.


Susan Kruger, M.Ed., author of SOAR® Study Skills, with her family.

Susan Kruger, M.Ed. with Ned Hallowell, Ed.D, M.D., world's leading expert in ADHD.

Timothy Decatur-Luker, a 6th-grader from Madison, VA, collected signatures from 250 peers, begging their school board to adopt SOAR® Study Skills! (Photo courtesy of

Susan Kruger, M.Ed. - Author of SOAR Study Skills - America's #1 Learning Expert.

Susan Kruger, M.Ed. - Author of SOAR Study Skills - America's #1 Learning Expert.

Susan Kruger, M.Ed., Author of SOAR Study Skills, with her son. Together, they've battled big challenges with ADHD and dyslexia!

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