About Susan
Shocking Statistics
What Can My Audience Learn From Susan?
Who Is Using SOAR?
Statistical References
About Susan
America’s #1 Learning Expert
Susan Kruger, M.Ed. – Susan is a certified learning specialist and the author of the international best-selling study skills book, SOAR® Study Skills. She has also written Homework Help for Parents and the #1 best-selling book on literacy, Cue to Reading, and developed the break-through models, The Brain Circuit™ & The Brain Circuit™. Susan is a Premier Instructor for The Learning Annex in NYC, the Education Expert for ADDitude Magazine, & is the founding CEO of SOAR® Learning, Inc. In 2014, she was named as the top winner of Oakland County Executive’s “Elite 40 Under 40″ Award. Microsoft Partners in Learning University has called her a “Global Expert in Education Innovation.” Her curriculum materials are used by over 4,000 schools across the USA and 30 countries worldwide. She’s married to a fellow educator (Brian Winter) and mom to two dynamic children with ADHD and dyslexia.
Shocking Statistics
Whole School Improves Grades By More than One FULL Grade-Point!
According to Maeser Academy's administrator, Robyn Ellis:
- “GPAs are up at least a full point this year…”
and - “Test scores are five points above the national average and five standard points beyond students’ previous scores, which is a TREMENDOUS growth in these students…”
Robyn says, “We realize what a valuable piece of the curriculum this is and it would be detrimental NOT to do this!”
500 CEOs Say: "Soft Skills = 75% of Career Success!"
...According to the Stanford Research Institute and Carnegie Melon Foundation.
Why is the United States falling behind in education? Consider how Finland was able to improve standardized test scores to among the best in the world with what is essentially a study skills curriculum. Their focus is on skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving.
Study skills apply across disciplines. Time invested in teaching them can go further towards improving standardized test scores and career readiness than teaching content knowledge alone.
This video explores how NOT teaching study skills has a direct impact on career-readiness. We look at what today’s students will need in the future to compete with workers from around the world...
Students are SIX TIMES More Likely to Graduate from College If…
…they take a study skills class! This conclusion was determined by a study published by Ohio State University.
2 Out of 3 High School Honors Students Fall Behind in College!
…because they don't know how to study. This information is based on statistics from Georgia's HOPE Scholarship program.
50% of College Students Never Graduate!
…because they don't know how to study. This statistic is based on information gathered by the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems.
2 Out of 5 Students Waste Thousands of $ in College Taking Remedial Courses
…because they never learned how to study in high school! This determination was reached by the University of Chicago.
1 Out of 3 High School Students in the USA Drop Out!
...because they don't know how to learn and can't find success in school. This data is based on analysis by the Editorial Projects in Education (EPE) Research Center.
What Can My Audience Learn from Susan?
Simplicity is the name of the game! Actionable tips and insights will be shared with your audience. Like most things in life, education is made out to be far more complicated than necessary. There are simple strategies that students, parents, and teachers can do that can have a major impact on lifestyle and confidence! Susan will share small tweaks in the approach to learning and organizing can put the learner in control…and that makes all of the difference!
Who Is Using SOAR®?
SOAR® is:
- In thousands of schools across the USA! Check out our updated map of USA schools.
- The world-wide, best-selling study skills book since 2007.
- Ranked #1 for test prep.
Statistical References
- 30% = number of students dropping out of high school in the US. (Click here for reference.)
- 40% = number of college students who have to take at least one remedial course in college.
- 50% = number of college students who never complete a degree. (Click here for reference.)
- 66% = number of high school honor students who fall behind in college. (Click here for reference.)
- 45% = the increased likelihood that "struggling" high school students will graduate from college if they take a study skills class (Click here for reference.)
- 600% = the increased likelihood that "average" high school students will graduate from college if they take a study skills (Click here for reference.)
For More Information