Is Your Focus on Private Schools?
The Misconception: Private school is for the high achievers who are excited to learn and study! They have unlimited resources. The preppy, peppy, happy students are all destined to attend the most prestigious universities. Parents and alumni stand united in their support of the vision and dreams of the school and its’ educators!

As a private school educator, you’re under pressure!
The pressure of high expectations.
The pressure to “stand out” from your competition.
Study skills can serve as the “release valve” for many of these pressures!
The Reality: You are under pressure!
Administrators are pouring on the heat every day to keep enrollment high. They want scores to be better than the prior year, and above competing schools.
Further, parents and alumni are banking on the fact that their prodigy is obtaining the best education possible. But, the school actually does have limited resources.
Meanwhile, many of your students are frustrated and stressed. Others don’t seem to care about school.
The reality is that the stakes are high, and the expectations are even higher!
Students and Educators Are Stressed in Different Ways!
Some of your students place higher demands on themselves than their parents do. Their drive to succeed is intense. You just want these students to come up for air once in a while, and smile.
Meanwhile, another batch of students expect the praise, without putting in the work. You want to motivate these students to perform, while putting in consistent effort.
Parents and alumni demand nothing less than the prestigious reputation of the institution to be carried forward. And the school is reminded of this with every donation.
The media and society criticizes any success and eagerly waits for the demise and failure of the school.
The workplace wants your institution to deliver their future leaders. They expect and demand that your students graduate with a certain set of skills.
And if that weren’t enough pressure…
Every year, private schools must convince a new batch of students and their families that their school is top-notch and provides a superior, quality education. Re-enrolling parents need continued validation that the school’s curriculum, test scores, and university acceptance rate is still worth their time and money.
The schools have to produce the statistics to attract the attention of future students and keep their retention rates high. Standardized test scores have to be high. Admission rates to prestigious universities and colleges have to be high. That means the stress level to achieve these things must be pretty high, too!
If those goals are not met, the school will not attract the “right” student. Then your school is no longer considered a viable option for families, who will then select a different, “better” school. Nobody wants that.
What If You Could Release The Pressure and Get Better Results?
Imagine an environment where all students are engaged. They earn top grades, with minimal stress.
Parents are excited to see their children are confident and earning top grades. They appreciate that their students are learning skills that will serve them in college and the workplace.
Alumni appreciate that your school is a pioneer in education outcomes, preserving the reputation of their respected institution.
Media and universities wonder with awe… “How did they do it?!”
You can do it by teaching a simple set of skills that are missing in education. They are the solution for increasing student achievement, while reducing pressure and stress… on everyone.
The Data Speaks for Itself
Research shows… high-achieving students struggle to keep their grades up when they arrive at university.
50% of high school “honors” students fall behind in college. 2/3 of state-funded merit scholarships are lost due to “ineligible grades” earned during students’ first year of college.1 Students arrive at university totally unprepared and unable to study properly.
The results in the workplace are even more dismal! Princeton-based Educational Testing Services (ETS)2 found that the millennials in the United States performs at the bottom of nearly all countries in the skills most needed by employers: literacy (including the ability to follow instructions), practical numeracy, and “problem-solving in technology-rich environments.”
Even millennials with the most education –those in the 90thpercentile– “scored lower than their counterparts in 15 countries… and only scored higher than their peers in Spain,” according to the ETS report.
This crisis is further supported by PISA scores. The United States continues to rank at the bottom of all industrialized countries according to the Program for International Student Assessment,3 that assesses functional reading, math, and science skills of the world’s 15 year-olds.
Why is this happening?
Because Education Is Completely Ignoring a Law of the Universe!
This Universal Law is the 80/20 Principle. The 80/20 Principle –or 80/20 Rule– states that 80% of effort produces 20% of outcomes. Or, that 20% of effort generates 80% of outcomes.
The 80/20 Principle has several implications in education…
- 20% of your students will demand 80% of your time and energy. Which means…
- In a six-hour school-day, you’ll spend 4.75 hours on only 20% of your students. Which means…
- You reach 80% of your students in less than 90 minutes a day!
It also means…
- 80% of what you teach will only have 20% of an impact on your students. But, that also means…
- 20% of what you teach can have 80% of the impact for your students!
If you can harness the “most critical 20%” to teach to students, you’ll dramatically increase your impact!
“The most critical 20%” will also alleviate many pressures from the 20% of students demanding 80% of your time and energy!
Which makes more sense? More time impacting fewer students, or less time impacting more students?
Prepare Your Students for Success!
How do you teach your students and keep administrators, parents and alumni happy? This seems like a job for a super hero! You may not be a super hero but, there is a simple “superpower” that you can teach students to help them learn and organize.
That “superpower” is study skills! Study skills are the “most critical 20%” of life-long skills that build academic success today and career success in the future.
Study Skills = 6X Gain!
Study skills are often perceived as “remedial.” In reality, they are the life-long skills that universities and employers are demanding! We like to refer to them as “strategic learning skills.”
Strategic learning skills make overachieving students more efficient. They provide students with the much needed free-time they deserve.
Strategic learning skills reach “less engaged” students, too. Now, these students have tools for learning and organizing successfully; tools they’ve never had before!
All of your students will be prepared for success. The future and those prestigious universities will welcome them with open arms!
Ohio State University published a study revealing the impact of study skills; when college freshman took a study skills course. The result was great gains…
45% = the increased likelihood that “struggling students” would graduate from college.
600% = the increased likelihood that “average” students would graduate from college!
Six times the norm… that’s astounding!
When students feel empowered to learn, they make huge strides in productive learning – on their own! Students will possess the proper learning skills and a solid organizational system, so they are better equipped to learn greater amounts of information, faster.
Karl G. Maesar Preparatory Academy increased their students’ grade point averages by ONE full point and increased standardized test scores by 5 basis points!
What’s Their Secret?
SOAR® Study Skills! Principal Robyn Ellis, talked about Maesar Prep’s experience and how SOAR® Study Skills transformed their school, students, and teachers alike:
There is one –and only one – complete solution available.
That solution…
- Is proven to raise student GPAs by an average of 1 full point!
- Has been declared 98.5% effective by teachers.
- Covers 100% of the Common Core Anchor Standards.
The Solution is the SOAR® Soft Skills Curriculum, where students learn how to effectively:
- Identify students' strengths & “SuperPowers” (according to Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences)
- Set goals
- Establish priorities
- Manage time
- Organize papers, desks, lockers, & other space
- Speak & listen effectively
- Work with teachers & peers
- Read and understand textbooks
- Take notes
- Study for tests
- Write research papers
- Prepare for presentations
- Track long-term goals
The SOAR® curriculum is used in thousands of schools. SOAR® has been THE best-selling study skills book, in the world, since 2007!
Is Your Focus Also On…?
SOAR® Learning & Soft Skills Curriculum
The SOAR® Learning & Soft Skills curriculum includes our award-winning student workbook, student app, and popular Multi-Media Teacher's Guide. Explore the curriculum below...
Student App
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Multi-Media Teacher's Guide
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Schedule Options for Teaching SOAR®
Wondering what the best way to structure your study skills class is? Click here for ideas.
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SOAR® Learning & Soft Skills offers a variety of training options to meet your needs. Click here to learn more.
Teacher Survey
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What Grade Levels Benefit from SOAR®?
To see a continuum matching age-appropriate skills to grades 4-12, click here.
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SOAR® Is Guaranteed to Provide:
- a 0.5% GPA increase across your student body.
- a 20% improvement in student confidence and attitude, as measured by the pre and post Study Skills Scorecard.
- a 30% reduction in missing assignments.
…or we will issue a full refund, as part of our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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