StudySkills Search


How to Study for a Math Test

October 8, 2023

When I was a student and teachers would say, “Study for your math test!” I would think, “How do I study for a math test?” I now realize that study is the wrong verb. You really need to ‘practice’ for a math test. You not only need to KNOW material for a math test. You…

How to Help Your Child’s Test Anxiety

January 8, 2023

Test anxiety is very common.  However, I’ve come to realize that the more we, as parents, try to help our children alleviate that anxiety, we often add to it… accidentally, of course. Jim, a parent using SOAR, recently contacted us with a great question about how he can best help his child. I thought our conversation…

How a Simple Studying Technique Led to the Only 100% Test Grade Out of 250 Students

June 28, 2020

Preparing for an exam where the average score is 65% had me a little concerned. I usually got good grades, but had never been particularly good at taking exams. And the fact that my extremely smart roommate‘s grade was only a 45% last term, really gave me anxiety. Checking my teacher’s reviews online was not helpful…

Stress-Free Test-Taking Tips!

October 19, 2015

The following test-taking tips will help you relax, feel “in control,” think more clearly, and ultimately… raise your test grades. Its test day! For many students that means: clammy hands, sweating, the non-stop bouncing leg, brain-fog, “I knew this stuff last night, why can’t I remember it now!” and even full-on P-A-N-I-C! Preparing for a test is essential. But, there…

How Do Study Skills Improve Standardized Test Scores?

November 8, 2011

Educators are under enormous pressure to have students perform well on standardized tests. Since standardized tests assess students’ mastery of state benchmarks, it is well known that the best way to improve scores is to provide clear instruction of those benchmarks. As a result, teachers and administrators are spending vast amounts of time “mapping” their…

How to Study for a Test

August 3, 2011

I am frequently asked, “How do I study for tests?” This question actually puts the “cart before the horse” because the efficient way to study for tests is to do your homework on time, ask questions in class, and learn information as it is taught, not just memorize the night before. There are easy ways…

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