Study Skills Camp Scholarship

So far, we’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response to the SOAR Virtual Summer Camp!

However, I was deeply saddened by a couple emails I received expressing great interest, but declining participation because the camp was cost-prohibitive. Excellent education should not be “cost-prohibitive.”

So, I jumped into action and reached out to some local businesses to secure some scholarships!

If you were considering our SOAR Virtual Summer Camp, but weren’t sure you could afford it, we invite you to apply for one of our needs-based scholarships. You can apply for the scholarship, by clicking here.

Perhaps you’d like to help us provide more scholarships?  There’s a few ways you can help:

First, do you know of a business that enjoys supporting education? Please introduce us to that business and we’d be happy to share with them how their donation could make a huge impact in the life of a student.

Second, perhaps you just want to make a donation yourself? If that’s the case, we’re accepting and pooling donations (minimum $25) to provide scholarship opportunities. For more information or to donate, reach us through our contact us page.

Third, maybe you know of a student that could benefit from one of our scholarships. If that’s the case, we’d like you to send them a link to this page.

We’re very excited to be using our SOAR Summer Camp to make meaningful change in the lives of students. Thank you for being a supporter of SOAR, even if it’s just enjoying our content and sharing it with others.

Here’s to a great summer!


Brian Winter, M.Ed.
President, SOAR Learning, Inc.

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