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Katılımcıların; Kavrama, belleme ve çabukluk yeteneklerini geliştirmek, Görme yeteneklerini geliştirmek, Yanlış okuma hatalarını önlemek, Motivasyon ve dikkat seviyesini yükseltmek, Eğitim programı öncesindeki okuma sürelerine kıyasla, dakikada okudukları kelime sayısını ve anlama düzeylerini arttırmak, Hız, bellek ve anlama arasında güçlü bir bağ kurmak, Okuma hızını arttırarak ve zamandan tasarruf sağlamak, Okulda, günlük yaşam, sosyal hayat ve çalışma hayatında hızlı ve etkin okumayla verimliliği arttırıp, farklılık yaratmaktır.
Yapay zeka konusuyla ilgili bilgisi olmayan yada yeni başlayanlara temel kavramları ve adımları tanıtmak, kavratmak, farkındalık yaratmak ve onlara yardımcı olacak bazı araçları vermektir.
Proje yönetimi eğitim programının amacı proje, proje yapma, bir konuyu projelendirme, projesini oluşturma, uygulamaya koyup yürütme, yönetmeyle ve projelendirme metodolojisiyle ilgili bilgisi olmayan yada yeni başlayanlara temel kavramları ve adımları tanıtmak, kavratmak, farkındalık yaratmak ve onlara yardımcı olacak bazı araçları vermektir.
Design is a funny word Alignments Directory Common Core Alignment CPALMS (Florida: Learning Strategies) Alignment TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) 21st Century Skills & WorkKeys Alignment SOAR® Covers 100% of the Common Core Anchor Standards! The Common Core Anchor Standards are the ultimate outcomes expected of all high school graduates. THE ANCHOR STANDARDS ARE ALL STUDY…
In the waning minutes of the Michigan State Quarter-Finals soccer match, down by one goal, my team needed to score quickly… or our season would come to an abrupt end. Desperation was in the air. Every second that ticked off the clock was one second closer to our demise. It was my senior year and…
When I was a student and teachers would say, “Study for your math test!” I would think, “How do I study for a math test?” I now realize that study is the wrong verb. You really need to ‘practice’ for a math test. You not only need to KNOW material for a math test. You…
The family of SOAR Apps are distributed to hundreds of schools in the United States, and over 40 countries worldwide! Therefore, we continuously monitor the performance of the app for all users to ensure that we are optimizing every aspect for the user that is within our control. However, sometimes school networks experience some difficulties…
Note-taking may be the quintessential study skill. Even people without a real concept of “study skills” know that students are supposed to take notes. Teachers like to say, “If I’m talking, you should be writing.” But how many students listen? Students struggle with note-taking because they are overwhelmed by the content covered in class. They…
Recently, a SOAR® subscriber asked for tips to help her daughter stay on-task with her homework. Just last night, a student in my Homework Action Group complained of the same problem. “I have a hard time staying focused on homework. It takes me forever to do it!” I remember, as a young student myself, wriggling…
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