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Study Skills for College

August 6, 2023

Whether you teach students who are heading off to college in a few months or in five years, there are a few study skills that can dramatically improve their odds of success. How do I know? I’ve lived this story. If you have not heard it before, the short version of my story is that…

21 Days to Back-to-School Bliss

July 30, 2023

Tips for getting your school-year off to a relaxed and productive start. Gearing up for back-to-school can be a bit overwhelming; there is a lot to do, a lot of transitions to navigate, and often a sense of blues as the realization that summer has, once again, gone by too fast. However, you can easily…

College and Career-Readiness for Special Education

July 13, 2023

“My students think they are ‘broken,’” lamented one special education teacher. “They don’t have dreams because they don’t think their dreams matter.” The truth is, our education system is not equipped to help any student explore their dreams and options beyond high school. But special education students have an even greater disadvantage; they don’t think…

Why Is Simplicity So Complicated?

July 9, 2023

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci We are naturally programmed to over-complicate matters. It actually takes effort to recognize simple solutions. In fact, most of the time I spend with clients is on the importance of keeping study and organizational strategies simple. I could tell you hundreds of stories, but one stands out, in particular. A few…

Student Organization: Why the SOAR® Binder Is Optimized for the Brain

July 4, 2023

I recently received an email from a mom, Beth R., concerned about organization for her middle school son. She believes in our streamlined system, but she’s concerned that her son won’t feel comfortable using our system. He won’t want to “stand out” amongst his peers. Beth’s concerns are fairly common for a student using the Binder…

The “New Initiative” Bandwagon:
The One Fatal Flaw of Every Education Initiative

June 18, 2023

Why Do You Have to Work So Hard to Make Students Learn? You work harder and harder, but clearly feel a drag. You are tasked with more things to do, document, and correlate every day. Your extended efforts never seem to be enough. Students become more apathetic. Many people are quick to blame technology. But,…

The Learning Disability Circuit: How Learning Disabilities Work

June 4, 2023

The Learning Disability Circuit Video Transcription “Learning disability” is the term we use to describe a low power supply of brain chemicals in sections of the brain that process language or math. Common learning disabilities include: dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, language processing disorders, and more. For example, imagine this string of lights represents the neuron wires…

True Colors: The Personality of Education

May 22, 2023

By now, you’ve heard me mention Ginelle, SOAR®’s Operations Manager. Ginelle is a certified teacher; she was actually my son’s (favorite) teacher. She is very kind and easily wins respect from her students. But, she holds everyone accountable. I believe she is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet and am…

Conquer Summer Brain Drain: Let Go of the Guilt!

May 21, 2023

Summer vacation is coming—for some of us it’s already here—and that means it’s time to tackle Summer Brain Drain again. How do we keep our kids’ brains active for the three months that they’re out of school? How can we make the gap between school years an advantage, and not just dead space? Most parents…

“A ‘Good’ Teacher is a ‘Self-Abuser’ Teacher!”

April 30, 2023

“I am convinced that a ‘good’ teacher is a ‘self-abuser’ teacher!!” My grad-school professor said this in class one day. He was lamenting that his wife, a kindergarten teacher, had been on leave for two years to have their two children (they lived in Canada, with generous maternity leave). He specialized in reading development and…

Six Steps to
Conquer the Chaos

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