Cost of NOT Teaching Study Skills & Ask the Author
I know that many schools across the country have been in session for a few weeks now, but I just sent my kids off to school for the “first day” today. It’s hard to believe that fall is “unofficially” here! To kick off the new school year, I have a couple of resources for you and a special announcement for SOAR:
1. THE COST OF NOT TEACHING STUDY SKILLS: A couple of weeks ago, I sent an email that received more response than anything I’ve ever written! It was about the cost of NOT teaching study skills and was so popular that I created a video to go along with it. If you enjoyed the email –or if you didn’t have time to read it- you can see it here:
2. ASK THE AUTHOR: I am hosting our monthly “Ask the Author” sessions tomorrow (Wednesday, September 7th). These are free 15-minute calls where you can ask anything about teaching study skills…whether you are using SOAR or not. I really enjoy the opportunity to talk to educators and parents and learn a LOT from these conversations, myself.
The sessions will be scheduled from 1:30-3:30pm ET. If you would like to book a 15-minute block, please call or email Ginelle, our Operations Manager, at: [email protected] or
3. WELCOME, BRIAN! You may know that my husband, Brian, is a high school teacher in our local community. This year, however, he is taking a personal leave to provide more assistance with the business and more support with the children. You may also know that our son has had several health and learning concerns. He’s blossoming and making great progress, but the healthcare appointments and follow-up care are another full-time job! I was running ragged and something had to give.
Needless to say, I’m thrilled to have Brian’s assistance…both at home and with SOAR! Brian is a dynamic teacher who has always played a key, behind-the-scenes role in the curriculum development of SOAR. However, it is wonderful that I can now get his input as needed throughout the day, rather than waiting for our monthly “date night” to review all of the questions and issues that had piled up for SOAR.
In addition to providing his on-going curriculum support, Brian will be tackling QuickBooks (so I don’t have to!) and expanding our technology programs. I hope you’ll see more of his influence in the coming months.
Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy ”The Cost of NOT Teaching Study Skills” video and will consider signing up for an “Ask the Author” session tomorrow.
I wish you and your students a very happy and successful school year!
-Susan Kruger
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