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Previously, I wrote about How to Help Your Students Manage Anxiety. If you haven’t read that article yet, I suggest you start with it, here. It explains what causes anxiety, which is key to understanding how to manage it. Today, I want to share some strategies for building an “anxiety-free” environment in your classroom. Obviously,…
In medicine, doctors will prescribe the minimum effective dose. Meaning, you want to cure the illness but minimize the side effects. Learning is no different. When learning new materials, we want to use the strategies that are most effective, with the least amount of side effects, (time, energy, stress/anxiety). Graphic organizers can be good tools…
The only battle more epic than Batman vs. Superman might be “parent vs. teacher” in a special education IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting. My First IEP I’ll never forget one particular IEP… I was accused of “not having the student’s interests in mind.” David had ADHD and a learning disability in written expression. David’s greatest challenge…
***The following information is provided to you exclusively by a guest contributor and is not the expressed views, opinions, and/or content of SOAR Learning, Inc.*** Each of us bring natural GIFT (s) for how we approach life, how we are organized, how we take in information, how we make decisions & how we structure…
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