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standardized tests

Standardized Tests:
Two Proven Ways to Raise Test Scores

April 9, 2023

Research consistently confirms there are two critical ways to raise test scores on standardized tests: Build “cognitive flexibility” with metacognitive strategies.1 If students don’t have problem-solving strategies for learning content, well… they won’t learn it! Obviously. Teach the curriculum, not “to the test.” Teaching “to the test” –also known as “item teaching”– actually lowers test scores; it…

What Happens When You Outlaw Standardized Tests?

August 3, 2011

One country is leading the world in educational achievements. They have created a system that nurtures problem-solving and critical thinking skills. They have developed classrooms where teachers rarely lecture for full class periods, but instead, allows students to determine their own weekly goals and chose the tasks they will work on… at their own pace.…

Everything I Need to Know About My Phone Company, I Learned From a Multiple-Choice Test. (Kinda.)

August 3, 2011

I received the following email from a subscriber: An issue that prevails for many students, including my own daughter, is that testing is conducted through only one format; multiple-choice; end of course/grade, SAT, HSAP, etc are only formatted as multiple-choice assessments. There are a significant number of students who would benefit from various other testing…

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