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multiple intelligences

Increase Motivation: Identify Your Intelligence(s)

December 16, 2019

Are you smart? Immediately you start judging yourself. Maybe you answered “yes.”  Or, “no.”  Or, maybe you waffled with indecision. As a society, we make this judgement of others all the time.  Even the best teachers in education find themselves with thoughts like, “Kyle is a bright kid, he’ll learn this quickly.  But Laura will…

Student Motivation: “Only 25% of My Students Are Motivated!”

September 8, 2015

“Only 25% of my students are motivated! The rest don’t care about anything. They don’t respond to anything.” Vivian -a veteran teacher- shared this concern in a recent consulting call. Vivian teaches students with a very low socio-economic background. But, her concern is echoed by teachers and parents all over the country. Student motivation is…

Your Superpower Makes You Better Than 95% of People! Show It on Your Resume!

October 3, 2014

This year, 3.8 million college graduates will compete for a limited number of jobs. 8.5% of them will be unemployed, and another 44% will be underemployed (working in jobs that don’t require the degree they earned). I happen to be one of those 3.8 million students looking for a job, but I am armed with…

How Are You Smart?

April 29, 2014

Last week, I wrote about How to Transcend All Barriers to Learning. The 100+ year-old story can be summarized in four basic principles: Provide Structure. Celebrate Originality. Build on Aptitudes. Make it Relevant. Today, in celebration of the release of our 2nd Edition of SOAR®, I am pleased to share an excerpt from the book.…

Six Steps to
Conquer the Chaos

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