ADHD Help for Parents

ADHD affects nearly 8% of the world’s population.  Regardless of country or culture, one in thirteen people have the condition.  Many are quick to think that ADHD is “over diagnosed,” “just an excuse,” or simply “not real.”  For anyone who has it, or has lived with someone who does, you know very well that this is not the case.

When my son was two years old, his pediatrician looked at me over her bifocals and said, “You’re gonna want to be on the lookout for ADHD!”  I had already suspected ADHD because his activity level was far greater than most other two-year olds.  His pattern of activity was also distinctly different from other children his age.

Susan Kruger, M.Ed., Author of SOAR Study Skills, with her son. Together, they've battled big challenges with ADHD and dyslexia!

Susan Kruger, M.Ed., Author of SOAR Study Skills, with her son. Together, they’ve battled big challenges with ADHD and dyslexia!

Fast forward to kindergarten and first grade.  By that time, there was no doubt.  We had two different evaluations (due to additional concerns over a reading disability) and both confirmed ADHD with consistent results.  One of the assessments involved 5-6 different visits, allowing the evaluators to see my son at several different times.

At the conclusion of this intense testing, my husband and I were given a thorough review of our son’s results. It is hard to articulate how or why, but looking at the patterns in this data, I could see with crystal clarity how smart he is…and how disabled he is by ADHD; my sensitivity to his challenges was heightened.

I spent the summer researching information and resources to help him.  Along the way, I stumbled across articles that seemed to be describing ME.  One article, included interviews with seven adult women who had ADHD, all holding leadership positions in their careers.  I shared the article with my husband.  He replied, “Oh man…they are all YOU!”

I observed my behavior more closely and began to notice that it takes me three attempts to do anything: get my children a drink, brush my teeth, get out of the house to run a simple errand… I am a very organized person.  But, I have always felt like a scatter-brain.  Still, I was not truly convinced that I had ADHD, too.

Then, D-Day came.  My mom dug up my old file of my school records.  The folder contained every report card, standardized test results from grades 1-8, and results from an IQ test. If I had graphed the results of these assessments, the pattern would have been an identical match to the graph we received for our son.  I was stunned!

I headed off to the doctor and completed three different self-evaluations with standardized scales.  I also did a new, bio-feedback test that is normed against 2000 women my age.  All results were very consistent with ADHD.

So, here I am…the “former struggling student,” expert in study skills, and mom to an extraordinary seven year-old…and just learning that I have ADHD, too.  It has been a very interesting journey on many levels.

I believe our challenges with ADHD evolved this way so that I can learn from them and, in turn,  help other parents and students.  With that in mind,  you will find several links below to helpful resources for navigating the challenges of ADHD…

SOAR® ADHD Products:

  1. SOAR Learning & Soft Skills App, ideal for Students with ADHD.
  2. ADHD Circuit: A short booklet explaining the brain biology of ADHD to students, parents, and educators. Simple illustrations. Life-changing perspectives!
  3. Women on Fire Book: Describes Susan’s story, trying to get help for her son.

SOAR® ADHD Articles

See SOAR®‘s extensive library of ADHD articles.

Additional ADHD Resources

  • ADDitude Magazine – Susan’s #1 go-to resource for general ADHD information & support.
  • Dr. Oren Mason – Family Physician and top practitioner specializing in ADHD. Dr. Mason masterfully blends extraordinary knowledge of ADHD science & research with extraordinary compassion for the human experience of ADHD and the relationships impacted by ADHD. Based in Grand Rapids, MI, Dr. Mason is available for patient consultations. He’s also the author of Reaching For A New Potential, an excellent book about ADHD…





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