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notebook244.5 Ways Special Ed Will Outperform Gen Ed

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SOAR® in the News
The SOAR® Curriculum

The most critical learning, organizing, and communication skills needed for school. Learn more here.

Who’s Using SOAR®?

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Comprehensive Coverage of Needs

I have done much research over the last 2 years in an attempt to find just the right thing that I feel would be most beneficial with the at-risk students with whom I work. Though my work with students has been helpful, I have always believed something more concrete that systematically teaches organization and study skills, would be more fruitful for students in the long term. I have concluded, FINALLY, that the SOAR® Study Skills program is the best I have ever seen, offering the most comprehensive coverage of the needs of the students I service. The author provides sound rationale for her approach and plenty of info to answer questions, as the site is easy to navigate. The resources are simple/kid-friendly, illustrating each desired skill. As a teacher, having viewed and used numerous curriculums over the years, I am most excited about this discovery.

Rita L.
School Success Educator
More Organized Now

I like the SOAR® system because the strategies pertain to all students. I have found that even my gifted students have problems with organizations, maybe more so than others. I had a 5th-grader last year who was a "shover," he could not get papers in the correct folder to save his life. We exchanged his folders for the SOAR® Binder System. He was so relieved to see how simple it could be to organize his papers, he gave me a huge hug! I put another 4th-grader on the Binder System this year. He feels so much more organized now and can find things quickly. I still check in with the organization when we meet during class. I like how he puts everything in the front and then makes time at the end of the day to put in all of his papers where they need to go. I don't know what these kids would have done without going on the SOAR® Binders. The system is great. They feel better about school - kind of a relief seeing their stuff organized for once! They finally know where everything is! I have a whole third grade that is planning to implement the SOAR® Binder System for their students next year...

Felicia T.
Learning Specialist
Research Base

I was trying to design a study skills class and did an online search to find some good resources and SOAR® came up. When I looked at the program and how organized it was, it appealed to me! There were other programs out there, and there were things I could have done myself, but because SOAR® has a research base behind it, that is what attracted me to this particular program.

Lori O
High School
Cornerstone for Study Skills Class

This is very exciting. The SOAR® Binder System and handbook are the cornerstone for my study skills class for all 6th graders at St. John's. We have had great success!

Valarie B.
Learning Specialist
Great System

This is a great system! I would like to see my whole school use this. Would you be interested in training my colleagues?

Sarah D.
Middle School
Quick Hits

The information is nice because it comes in "quick hits," meaning it isn't overly burdensome to cover; the principle is there, we can employ it almost immediately, and move on to practicing it.

Therese S.
MIddle School
Huge Rewards

I see students as well as parents who have been very happy with SOAR®. I can see huge rewards with this program!

Lauri O.
High School
A Lot Smoother

This will make my school year run a lot smoother. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas.

Michelle P.
4th Grade
Usable Information

Excellent, usable information!

Lori B.
Middle School
Loved the Binder

I loved the binder. What a simple but effective idea!

Jennifer G.
5th Grade