Thank You for Signing Up for the ADHD Scorecard!

Click here for the ADHD Success Scorecard 

Take 6 minutes right now to start making ADHD school success a reality in your home. Here is what I recommend:

1. Print the Scorecard now.

2. Read pages 1-3.

3. Fill out the Scorecard on page 4 and tally your scores. (Don’t take too long…the quicker you answer, the more honest you will be!)

4. Find your Action Plan on page 6-7.


It is a simple thing, but it is HUGELY important to your child…let him/her participate in this process! Have your son or daughter take the Scorecard; combine his/her scores with yours for a cumulative total for each section. This brings some “democracy” to the process and communicates that you value, respect, and will utilize your child or teen’s feedback.

Take a moment now to plan some time to share this with your child. (Also, be sure to share some of your answers from page 1 of the Scorecard with your son or daughter!)

Over the next several days, I will send you a series of follow-up emails that will help you make the most of the ADHD Success Scorecard.

Click here for the ADHD Success Scorecard


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