StudySkills Search


Boys and Their Shortcuts: A Lesson from Henry Ford

April 24, 2019

I hear one complaint often; it usually comes from moms and female teachers who are frustrated over how much “effort” boys will put into written assignments. It goes something like this: “He knows so much about the material, but he will only write a couple of things… he always wants to take the shortcut!” I often ask,…

Legal Homework Rights: What’s the Limit on Homework?

November 4, 2018

Hi, I just read your article Titled “Can You ‘Opt Out’ of Homework?” (Click HERE for the original article.) I enjoyed the article but I guess I need a more concrete answer to the question of my legal homework rights: CAN I LEGALLY OPT OUT OF HOMEWORK FOR MY CHILD? – Dawn, SOAR® Parent The answer is…

Study Skills Camp Scholarship

May 21, 2018

So far, we’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response to the SOAR Virtual Summer Camp! However, I was deeply saddened by a couple emails I received expressing great interest, but declining participation because the camp was cost-prohibitive. Excellent education should not be “cost-prohibitive.” So, I jumped into action and reached out to some local businesses to secure…

How to Transcend ALL Barriers to Education: Poverty, Learning Disabilities, Apathy, & More

April 21, 2017

In 1896, in the slums of Rome, a young woman was put in charge of a group of children labeled “impossible to educate.” As the first female physician in Italy, she had fought great resistance to get her own education; “no one wanted a female doctor.” Her assignment to care for these children was considered…

Report Cards: Dealing with Poor Grades

October 21, 2016

If you’re like the millions of parents who open report cards and sigh, this article is for you. Upon opening a report card, you experience a flood of emotions.  Almost like going through the 5 stages of grief: Denial:  “No, this can’t be right.  I made him sit at the kitchen table every night and…

Why Is Homeschooling the Fastest Growing Segment In Education?

September 16, 2016

“The number of parents choosing to homeschool their kids is growing 7 times faster than the number of kids enrolling in K-12 every year.” (as reported by Education News) Do you wonder why that is? Education is free in the United States and many parents enjoy the fruits of a dual-income. So, what causes a…

Simple Family Organization: Easily Organize School Papers

November 30, 2015

Organize School Papers at Home Solves the problem of… how to manage and organize the daily flood of papers from school! How the “School Papers” System Works Our system for organizing school papers at home is pretty simple and straightforward. The kids clean out their backpacks every day, after school. (It’s one of their “after-school” magnets, from our Morning Magnet routine.) Trash goes…

Simple Family Organization:
A Kitchen Command Center That Works

November 27, 2015

Command Center for Organizing Mail, School Papers, & Junk Solves the problem of… losing important mail/papers AND having mail, papers, and other junk flood my kitchen counters.   How the Command Center Works My Command Center may not look as pretty as the fancy ones you’ll find on Pinterest, but it is unique in three…

Simple Family Meal Organization:
Easy Lunch and Dinner Menu Board

November 20, 2015

The Menu Board for Simple Family Meal Organization Solves the problem of… having to figure out what to buy and prepare for lunches and dinner every day. Additional benefits… the Menu Board also improves meal-time cooperation from the kids… and has them making their own lunches, with minimal fuss. It’s a fabulous tool for achieving…

Simple Family Organization:
Cure “Last-Minute Syndrome”

November 18, 2015

Get Everyone on the Same Page with the Sunday Meeting Solves the problem of… last-minute syndrome! A short, 5-10 minute routine can transform your family organization… and your family! During this brief, weekly meeting, we: review schedules for the next two weeks, review school papers we missed during the week, select lunches and dinners on the…

Six Steps to
Conquer the Chaos

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