StudySkills Search
Do any of these situations sound familiar…? Rhonda’s teacher passed out homework to each student as they walked out of class this morning. Rhonda had a full stack of books in her arms and her bag was over her shoulder. Her teacher placed the paper on top of her books as she raced off to…
First, I must express my sincere regard for the people of Boston, especially all who have been directly impacted by last week’s events. My heart and prayers have been with all of those who were injured and the four souls who were lost. With that said, the footage from the people of Boston on Friday…
Through our SOAR® Study Skills book we describe a simple and efficient system for taking notes in class and studying those notes outside of class. There are, however, some additional note-taking formats, such as concept webs (great for learning science or math vocabulary) and graphic organizers. Below you will find a description of concept webs…
Very few people are “naturally” good at all of the tasks required to be successful in school. In fact, statistics say that only 5% of people will naturally have what it takes to excel in school.* Yet, students must get through school. And, adults must work to make a living. We should all be working…
Marcia, a teacher from Wisconsin using the SOAR® curriculum, recently asked us: I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a student who wants to use an e-planner, rather than a paper one? First, I believe that the only way an “e-planner” will be helpful for a student is if it is on a…
There is nothing like the holidays to take a break and evaluate your life. Any time we step away from our routines, we begin to see things more objectively. With this perspective, it is natural to desire change. No wonder we make resolutions! But, Do Resolutions Actually Work? A local newspaper posted the ten most…
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! For me, the holiday lived up to its name and was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all of the blessings in my life. We hosted 30 people for the holiday, but I didn’t cook a thing! My husband’s parents graciously took control of the turkey and mashed…
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